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Engraving by anonymous author of the city of Treviso. Publisher Pierre Mortier. Amsterdam, 1704. Photo taken from T.Basso, Treviso Illustrata, Edizioni Demetra, 1997.

The Land of Tiramisù

The Marca Trevigiana
Dolcefreddo Moralberti was born in 1994 in the Marca Trevigiana. A company soon leader in the production of frozen desserts, which sees among its workhorses one of the most popular sweets worldwide: Tiramisù in its original recipe, but not only.

Traditions of a Territory

Original Tiramisù and Innovation
In a constant process of improvement, combined with the desire for experimentation and innovation, Dolcefreddo Moralberti, loyal to the call of the tradition of its territory, offers in its wide range of products twelve different types of Tiramisu, giving the opportunity to appreciate them in a wide choice of shapes, textures and flavors. Always seeking excellence through high quality raw materials, chosen only by the best suppliers in the market, to compose tiramisu that reflect its high production standards.

The Tiramisù of Treviso

Treviso, the Mother of Tiramisu
The company Dolcefreddo Moralberti sees its headquarters near the center of Treviso, the beating heart of the city that saw, the birth of Tiramisu thanks to the restaurant “Alle Beccherie”, in the second half of the twentieth century.
Restaurant "Alle Beccherie" in Treviso

A Close Relationship with the Origins

In the History of Beccherie
The birth of Dolcefreddo Moralberti
It is difficult to define with certainty where this cake has taken for the first time the shape known to us. In the narrations the story is confused with the legend, truthful and documented accounts are intertwined with mere fantasy. Delving into the past of this extraordinary dessert, you sneak cautiously between sinful pleasure houses and among the most popular restaurants in Treviso. What is certain, however, is that it was precisely "Alle Beccherie" that was the beginning of the rise of its fame. And it is in this historic restaurant that the founder of Dolcefreddo Moralberti completed his brilliant internship during his studies. A physical proximity to a key place in the events of Tiramisu, which has resulted in a story of ties and love for Italy; feelings of belonging that guide today, in Dolcefreddo Moralberti, the desire to bring a dessert, that feels strongly part of its cultural heritage, throughout Italy and the world.

Family and Affection

The Tiramisù made for Love
Although Tiramisù is a sweet whose origin is not rooted in a distant past, but instead sees its birth only in a relatively recent historical period, it finds its genesis in ingredients and combinations that belong to a more ancient tradition of Treviso, of which Dolcefreddo Moralberti feels honored bearer. For the inhabitants of the Marca, in fact, in the components of the tiramisù is inscribed a memory intrinsically linked to the memories and the most dear affections. Reminiscences often linked to family, childhood, care and attention received and conveyed through the preparation and offering of food, as Giuseppe Maffioli wrote in a newspaper remained important in the history of Tiramisu, nutritious and restorative. From here, for Dolcefreddo Moralberti, the commitment to produce a genuine product faithful to that of their memories, but not only, also a vocation in wanting to experiment with new paths, such as the "Tiramisu with Berries", that maybe one day, for young people today, will cover, or will side by side, the same affective value that for many now covers the classic one.

Passion and Creativity

Collaborators Qualificati
High Artisan Pastry
A passion, that for pastry, and a love, especially for Tiramisu, that the founder of Dolcefreddo Moralberti felt blossoming at an early age. Years later, an attraction that has been cultivated with dedication has resulted in a thriving company that has more than forty employees, animated by a common predilection for beauty, for perfection, for refinement. A passionate and creative team, highly qualified, who juggles between the pleasure of recreating the ancient recipes and that of giving shape to the most varied and extraordinary expressions of a more modern and explosive pastry, in which the most appropriate and enjoyable variants of the tiramisu find their worthy place.

Innovating in the Tradition

For a Passionate and Enterprising Tiramisu
In Dolcefreddo Moralberti tradition is combined, and sometimes it merges, with new shapes, new tastes. In a constant push aimed at satisfying the finest palate, the most demanding customer. A context, this one, exceptionally stimulating and always on the move, in which Tiramisu is dressed in new expressions. With an appearance sometimes known, others unexpected, but always surprising. And it is precisely in an environment so full of enthusiasm, imbued with the energy of a founder full of passion and enterprising collaborators, that the attention to the different needs of a diverse clientele is covered with a thousand attentions, giving rise, for example, to the production of comfortable single portions among which stand out two Tiramisu per spoon.

Quality and Safety

Two Fundamental Elements
of the same Medal
For Dolcefreddo Moralberti, safety is fundamental at every level of the production process. In his Tiramisù, an example is the cooked egg cream, the result of the commitment and ingenuity of his skilled confectioners, who have created an excellent and full-bodied cream, which has nothing to envy to the homemade version prepared with sugar and raw yolk. Every step in the composition of Dolcefreddo Moralberti’s desserts is scrupulously followed. In a continuous research of innovations and cutting-edge technologies that know how to accompany and facilitate the confectioners in the realization of their creations; since the perfect preservation of raw materials, packaging and safe distribution of the finished product on the market.

Tiramisù in the World

The True Italian Wealth Donated to the World
This attention and refinement, lead the Tiramisù Dolcefreddo Moralberti to be appreciated in 22 countries in 4 different continents of the world. An export of Italianity in the world catering that knows how to make proud of its country, but also is a spur to the achievement of ever greater standards of quality and business improvement.

Knowledge and Promotion of Tiramisù

If You Taste a Tiramisù
Love and Desire
Dolcefreddo Moralberti collaborates with many local associations to promote the Tiramisu of Treviso in Italy and in the world, including "Word Cup Tiramisù", "Tiramisù Day" and "Academy of Tiramisù".

The real History of Treviso’s Tiramisù

The Tiramisù icon of Made in Italy in the world
News edited by Tiziano Taffarello (President of Tiramisù Academy)

The Sbatudin

The story of the most beloved dessert in the world takes us back in time, in the territory of Treviso. The first testimonies of this sweet date back to the peasant tradition of Treviso: the sbatudin. This is the germ from which Tiramisù was born and then developed. Egg yolk beaten and whipped with sugar to become a frothy cream, called tonic. Already in the nineteenth century in the province of Treviso it was prepared and consumed this cream, primordial base of Tiramisù. Every grandmother and mother used to customize the cream with the addition of other ingredients following the tastes of the family: coffee, liqueur, white wine, biscuits, butter, ricotta, cocoa, etc.
Science in cooking and the art of eating well, Pellegrino Artusi

The Puerperal Biscuits

Proof that a dessert with characteristics similar to tiramisu was consumed in the territory of the province of Treviso in 1800 is the authoritative source of Pellegrino Artusi (1820-1911), a giant of Italian gastronomy. Artusi writer and gastronome wrote a book entitled "The science in cooking and the Art of Eating Well" and can be considered the "Garibaldi" of the recipes of Italian cuisine. In 1891 came out the first edition of the book that unites Italy under a single flag even in the kitchen. This volume is considered the first important historical document to date the period and geography of a dish or a course of Italian cuisine. In the sixth edition of the book, published in 1902, Artusi inserted a recipe of the city of Conegliano (TV): the "Puerperal Biscuits". As Pellegrino Artusi writes, it is actually improper to call the latter "biscuits", since they are eaten with a spoon, like Tiramisu. By carefully analyzing the recipe of puerperal biscuits, we note three basic ingredients of modern-day Tiramisu: egg yolk, sugar and cocoa. Cocoa and butter were added to the sbatudin cream.

Historical and Social Evolution of the Treviso Tiramisù

Over time, other ingredients were added to the recipe, such as coffee, biscuits or bread crumbs. Certainly the Tiramisù of Treviso is the result of a historical-social and gastronomic evolution. Each family has its own way of preparing and interpreting it, making Tiramisu a mirror of the history of its territory. In the nineteenth century, in the homes of the people of Treviso, Tiramisu was prepared differently according to social classes. In the homes of the noble families the sponge cake of Austrian taste and tradition was used as a support (influence of the Viennese pastry shops of the Habsburg Emperors), while in the homes of poor families the bread crumb ("pan vecio") was used. Each family had its own way of preparing and interpreting it, adding some new ingredients to give body to the primordial tiramisù: ricotta, cream, mascarpone, bread crumbs, savoy biscuits, cocoa, white wine, etc. This is how Tiramisu has evolved over time, up to the present day, with the traditional recipe of Treviso and its six ingredients: cocoa, coffee, mascarpone, savoy biscuits, egg yolk and sugar.
Giovanni Comisso (1895-1969) - Giuseppina Tiretta (1829-1917)

Exegesis of the Tiramisu of Treviso

Prof. Manlio Brusatin of Asolo, a private friend of Giovanni Comisso, with his super partes memory, provides scientific evidence on the Treviso origins of Tiramisù, founded on conversations with the Treviso writer Comisso, in the winter of 1968. In one of his publications, Exegesi del Tiramisù in the magazine The Venice International Foundation (Speciale l'arte del gusto) of 2005, he reports this fascinating story of Tiramisù in Treviso. The testimonial of Tiramisù in the nineteenth century in Treviso is certainly the Countess Giuseppina Tiretta (1829 -1917), grandmother of Giovanni Comisso. Giuseppina Tiretta was a “pasionaria” of the Italian Risorgimento, a noble woman active in family and politics. Giovanni Comisso, "Apostle capitulate" of Tiramisu, wrote in his memoirs, and recounted to close friends, that "her grandmother, Josephine Tiretta, a descendant of Count Edward Tiretta, was a devotee of Tiramisu (or rather of the tirame su, in venetian dialect) and often ate it as a regular winter dinner." Countess Tiretta, driven by an unbridled hatred of the Austrians, participated with her family in the conspiracies of the Risorgimento riots of 1848 in Treviso. In this fiery climate, the noble woman, actively engaged in the struggle of the Risorgimento, imported from Piedmont savoiardi biscuits to give a signal even in the kitchen. There is a strong bond between the Tiretta family and Turin, in fact, for a certain period, the Tiretta dynasty was the owner of the prestigious Palazzo Lascaris in the historic center of the city. Savoiardi are the representative biscuits of the Savoy royal house from the Middle Ages. So grandma Giuseppina Tiretta started preparing Tiramisù in Treviso with the savoiardi. The choice of this ingredient was a form of revolt towards Austrian tastes and a symbolic and patriotic message of openness of the Veneto towards the Kingdom of Italy of Savoy that was being born. With the passion of a mother and the interest of a politician he taught his children and grandchildren to prepare Tiramisu made with savoiardi. This is how the "made in Italy" brand of Tiramisù was born: the choice of savoiardi linked to the flag of Italy. Even the use of mascarpone as an ingredient for this cake has a similar historical path. This Lombard cheese from the Lodi area (on the road between Turin and Treviso) began to spread in northern Italy and Europe in the nineteenth century. Knight of this ingredient was Count Evangelista Bignami, captain of the Green Hunters on horseback of the Imperial Guard of Napoleon I. Count Bignami, of noble Milanese family (intrepid patriot in the five days of Milan) married Countess Loredana Caterina Tiretta and therefore we find in her figure the driver who accompanied the mascarpone on his journey from Lodi to Treviso. We can thus say with certainty, that grandmother Tiretta’s 19th century tiramisu is an icon of the Italian Risorgimento and carries within it the gastronomic revolt against Austrian tastes. The choice of mascarpone (especially in families that are more economically inclined) also showed the will to unite the Lombard-Venetian kingdom. Recall that communication in past centuries often took the form of indirect symbolism, causing censorship, and this is an appropriate example.
Storia delle case chiuse in Italia e in Veneto, Walter Basso, published by Editoriale Programma

Tirame Su

The oral tradition of the people of Treviso tells that this cake would have been born and evolved into a house of pleasure in the center of Treviso. The maîtresse of the restaurant would have created this sweet aphrodisiac and energetic to give it to her customers at the end of the evenings. It is said that, the "hostess", greeted the customers with a slice of cake shouting: "Desso ve tiro su mi "(now I pull you up). It is not known how this cake was served, but it certainly strengthened the body and soul of the guests of the restaurant. Numerous testimonies report this true story, from Alfredo Beltrame, Arturo Filippini, former patron of the restaurant El Toula, Boccazzi and the pastry chef Loris Casellato. These people listened, among the tables of their premises, to the "spicy confessions" of customers who frequented certain brothels, in the district between the Duomo and the church of San Nicolò in Treviso. A huge embarrassment and a veil of shame hid these stories until the early seventies. In this period, thanks to the change of customs due to the cultural and social movements of 1968, we begin to talk and write freely about this cake and to reveal the secrets hidden for some time.

The Tiramisù of Treviso and the Beccherie

The Tiramisù was officially born at the Restaurant Le Beccherie in Treviso in 1970. This is what the delegation of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina established with a birth certificate. The Campeol family included first in the menu of their restaurant the name Tiramisu taken from the popular tradition of Treviso.
Quarterly magazine of wine and gastronomy "Vin Veneto" of 1981 (n.1 year VII)
Oggi Taste Vin
Bimonthly by Enogastronomia

Tiramisu of Treviso in the 1981 magazine Vin Veneto

Giuseppe Maffioli, actor, writer and journalist can be considered the father certifier of the Treviso-based origin of Tiramisù. Maffioli, Bepo for his friends, in the quarterly magazine of wine and gastronomy "Vin Veneto" of 1981 (n.1 year VII), strictly historicizes the preparation of the dessert by locating it at the restaurant "Alle Beccherie" of Treviso. Here’s the excerpt from the magazine. "It was born recently, just over two decades ago, a dessert in the city of Treviso, the 'Tiramesù', which was proposed for the first time in the restaurant 'Alle Beccherie' by a certain pastry chef named Loli Linguanotto who, by chance, came from recent work experience in Germany. The sweet and its name 'Tiramisù', as nutritious and restorative food, immediately became very popular and revived, with absolute fidelity or with some variation, not only in the restaurants of Treviso and province, but also throughout the great Veneto and beyond, throughout Italy. By itself it is basically a 'Zuppa Inglese with coffee', but it was not yet 'Tiramesù', and it must be admitted that the 'name' has its own prestigious importance."
La cucina trevigiana, Giuseppe Maffioli, published by Franco Muzzio Editore

Tiramisù of Treviso in the text "La cucina trevigiana"

In 1983 the enogastronome Giuseppe Maffioli reported the original recipe of the Tiramisu of Treviso in his book "La cucina trevigiana", certifying it as the legitimate Tiramisù of Beccherie (p. 423 of the book). A super partes testimony, the writer Bepo uses an adjective with a strong meaning of belonging: legitimate. He was also the first journalist in the world to write variants of the Tiramisu recipe. This sweet aphrodisiac was known and consumed in all the families of the province of Treviso, in restaurants, trattorias and inns.

The Tiramisu in the World

The people of Treviso migrated to Italy and abroad were the first to spread the traditional recipe of Treviso around the world. Many citizens of Treviso have brought with them and in their suitcase this magical formula of sweetness. According to the writer Giovanni Comisso, to the diffusion of Tiramisù, first contributed the restaurant "Le Beccherie" of Treviso, which legitimized the original recipe, then the restaurant "Toulà" of Alfredo Beltrame from Treviso, with its chain of restaurants in Italy and abroad.

Tiramisu of Treviso Notary Deed

On 15 October 2010, three members of the Treviso delegation of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina -Istituto culturale della Repubblica- deposited a Notarial Deed (No. 7947 at the Notaio Ferretto Lorenzo, in Treviso) containing a dossier on how to prepare tiramisu, with the aim of safeguarding the gastronomic traditions of the territory. The booklet mentions the historical and gastronomic news spread by the writer Giuseppe Maffioli, the authenticity of the original recipe of the dessert at the Beccherie restaurant, thanks to the pastry chef Loli Roberto Linguanotto, and finally the procedures of preparation of the traditional recipe.

Tiramisù di Treviso Thesis

In 2012, at the University of Trento, the first thesis on Tiramisu was written and presented worldwide. Dr Ilaria Ziliotto, from Borso del Grappa (TV), discussed the thesis "Cultural Experiences in Italian Oenogastronomic Tourism: Treviso, the city of Tiramisù", at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Trento. This university treatise also confirms the Tiramisù as a patrimony of the territory of Treviso, reporting historical information and citations with relative bibliography.
Delivery certificate "Historical place for the recipe of Tiramisu of Treviso"

Tiramisù di Treviso e riconoscimenti alle Beccherie

Il 20 marzo 2019, l’Accademia del Tiramisù, rappresentata del Presidente Tiziano Taffarello, ha consegnato a Paolo Lai, titolare del ristorante Le Beccherie, l’attestato di “Locale storico per la ricetta del Tiramisù di Treviso”.

Tiramisu Dolcefreddo Moralberti


Desserts Cakes For Buffets

Two layers of ladyfingers dipped in coffee syrup, with mascarpone cheese cream, decorated with cocoa powder.

Events Tiramisu Dolcefreddo Moralberti

Il Tiramisù Creativo 2024 di Isabella Bucciol

Si è conclusa l'ottava edizione della Tiramisù World Cup.

Isabella Bucciol di Portogruaro (Venezia), superando i 240 concorrenti in gara, ha affascinato e persuaso la giuria al punto da conquistare il titolo di Campione Tiramisù Creativo della Tiramisù World Cup 2024.

Un percorso d'amore per un Dolce che nasce da una personale propensione alla golosità. Quella golosità positiva che ti spinge ad andare alla ricerca di piaceri semplici e autentici, espressioni di culture, tradizioni e creatività.
Un viaggio dove, nel tempo, l'istinto ha saputo rubare dai migliori i migliori segreti, che uniti ad un lungo percorso formativo, tra sperimentazioni, ricerche e tentativi, ha portato alla perfezione e al Successo.

Un successo a cui Dolcefreddo Moralberti ha avuto il piacere di assistere, in un evento mirato ad esportare il Tiramisù Made in Italy nel Mondo, capace di esaltare tutti coloro che partecipano attivamente e con passione a questo grande impegno condiviso di diffusione della Tradizione e Cultura Italiana.

News Tiramisu Dolcefreddo Moralberti

Tiramisù al Pistacchio e Lampone

Il Tiramisù al Pistacchio e Lampone Dolcefreddo Moralberti è la nostra variante innovativa e sfiziosa del classico dessert italiano, per una esperienza gustativa sofisticata e sorprendente. La scelta perfetta per chi cerca in un dessert la sicurezza della tradizione e la sorpresa della modernità.

Una nuova esplosione di sapori e consistenze, dove la crema al pistacchio, ricca e vellutata, si scontra e amalgama alla freschezza e all’acidità dei lamponi, per un contrasto in perfetto equilibrio capace di generare un’armonia di gusto raffinata e invitante.

Il Tiramisù al Pistacchio e Lampone si accompagna egregiamente con un bicchiere di vino dolce, come un moscato d’asti o un passito. In alternativa anche un tè verde leggero o un caffè espresso sapranno completare perfettamente l’esperienza gustativa.

Un dessert perfetto in ogni occasione dove si voglia sorprendere i propri ospiti con un dolce innovativo, sorprendente e di classe, particolarmente adatto a contesti primaverili ed estivi.

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Blog Tiramisu Dolcefreddo Moralberti

Dolcefreddo Moralberti e Il Boss delle Torte

Curiosità Cibus 2024

Dolcefreddo Moralberti, durante la permanenza a Cibus 2024, ha avuto il piacere di condividere alcuni momenti con Buddy Balastro, conosciuto come "Il Boss delle Torte".

Buddy Valastro è il pasticcere italo-americano e personaggio televisivo statunitense più famoso degli USA. Gestisce la pasticceria Carlo's Bake Shop e conduce programmi televisivi di pasticceria. E' noto nel mondo, anche in Italia, per il suo programma di successo "Il Boss delle Torte", dove si dedica alla preparazione di sculture dolci.

Il Boss delle Torte ha voluto assaggiare il Tiramisù di Treviso e qualche innovativa variate di gusto dello stesso, oltre ad una selezione dei dolci più rappresentativi dell'Azienda.

Uno scambio di esperienze, conoscenze, valori, tradizioni, ricordi, gusti e sapori particolarmente piacevole e interessante per i rappresentanti della Dolcefreddo Moralberti presenti a Cibus 2024.

Tutto il Team Dolcefreddo Moralberti coglie l'occasione per ringraziare Buddy Valastro, Il Boss delle Torte, per il tempo che ci ha dedicato e per la piacevole conversazione occorsa durante l'evento.

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